Friday 22 April 2011

I like what you've done with the place.

Sleep is such a waste of time, don't you think? However comfy and cozy I feel in my bed, regardless of how hard it is for me to actually get up in the mornings (or more often than not, noon), I still can't get over this feeling. It's especially relevant at this particular time of change.

Do you ever think: how much more time would we have had with each other, how much more time would we have had to enjoy life if we didn't need sleep? More specifically, how much more time would we have had in BG...

The end of first year really caught me off guard - done... I still can't process that fact. I always pictured myself getting to university but, silly me, it never went beyond that. Last year was such a huge change for me. Graduating high school and leaving everyone behind was so sad. I moped around the halls for at least a month. But I knew it was coming, and I was ready for it - at least, as much as I could have ever been.

This though, this was really a big shock. I still feel like I'm in a daze... maybe Ashton Kutcher will come out at any moment, yelling "you've been punk'd!!". It seems like one day, we were staying up all night at Robarts, killing ourselves over the non-stop month of hell, drowning our sorrows in coffee, wishing Vic One was over... then it was over. Just like that. The end. Anticlimatic, much?

Time seems to move faster and faster each year. Sometimes, it's hard to keep up. This year, I truly realized how hard it is to juggle work and play, while at the same time, still taking care of yourself. So many times, I felt like cracking under all the pressure, but watching you go through the same thing along with others in our little family, gave me the will to carry on.

Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for calming me down, for giving me the courage to face up to challenges, for dealing with my constant bitching and moaning. Thank you for laughing with me, drinking with me (though we definitely did not do this often enough!), letting out your inner-crazy with me. Never, in a million years, would I have thought to come out of BG with such beautiful friends.

I love love LOVE you. And I can't wait to share and grow more with you. See you soon.


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