Sunday 3 April 2011

A wonderful time for a cup of tea.

Hi, lovely.

Right now I feel like nobody but us knows what we're going through. Even, I could go to the extreme and say I feel like I am the only one who knows what I'm going through. Nobody on Earth has ever been so burdened! Woe is me! But.. I suppose everyone's perspective of suffering is subjective. Pain is felt to the same degree by everyone no matter how different it might be in reality. And if we're able to push through to the other side, it just might be worth it. And the knowing if it was worth it or not at the end makes it worth it no matter what, I think.

The cleanliness of my room has a tendency to reflect my current mental state. Right now, clothes are indeed starting to pile up in the B8404 nook... but nothing that will take a huge amount of time to organize. I'm hoping the mind analogy will be maintained - because sorting out my head has proven itself to be a task this year.

For now, I think the only thing I can do is make a cup of tea. Tea is one of those things that has magical soothing powers - like a nocturne, or a vanilla candle, or a summer breeze when you close your eyes.

I really am looking forward to finding myself again this summer (and losing some of the acquired delusion, too, as much as I have enjoyed it). And this blog will help me do it with you :) The hope is that I'll remember why I'm doing this all, so I can come back re-fueled and re-inspired. I love you, babooshka.


Chopin's - how wonderful :)

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